
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hello Tomek Muchowiecki!
I know that you are a fantasy but you are so nice.

hahahaha. This week we are going to have training 5 days a week again. But don't worry because I still love it. haha
Monday I was in layup mood
Tuesday I was in shoulder mood
Wednesday I was in running mood.

haha. Today we watched 'The Lovers' for Top period. Liang ShanBo and Zhu YingTai. It was really terribly outrageously obnoxiously incorrigibly awfully sad. He died of tb I think. Because the teacher kept fastforwarding it. Then she was forced to marry some fat ugly horrid disgusting oily evil MrMa [whom I never saw his face before but he resembles that]. She talked to the tombstone like it was his deathbed. And it was so sad I saw crystal and Natalie cry! haha. I almost but i didn't. haha. And they off-ed the light so the usually studious and intellectual me couldn't read my book.

We got back math science and lit. Mrlam said that my words are lumped together to form lines on the foolscap paper. haha.

I saw a Wuzun lookalike. [just not so plastic]


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