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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, August 28, 2006

yay! crap to you! haha. it's been a terribly long time since i posted. hha

was a crappy day. we had our descriptive compo. and it was about some dream house thing. haha. the aunty was late again, but we still said thankyou. hahaha. ohyay. and my class was terribly angry with the teacher, we reached early, but were accused of being late. ahh. endure injustices. haha. at least we had a terribly satisfying recess. and the crush thingy! i made it to vip! haha. so cool. yay!

went to school, to do some teachers' day thing. i was there terribly early, at 9 sharp, but the rest was late. the guy there is trying to kill me by chasing me around the place with his terribly huge machine pumping out gas. and a few was here. i started writing the days stuff. haha. and the rest was doing nthing at first. hahaha. and i coloured my nails pink pink pink red yellow. haha. i washed off the red and yellow one. haah. and after counting, there was one paper missing! i decided to look towards the view of the track and, eh, why is there one green paper. and one piece was on the concrete side of the railing, hanging halfway. haha. and aisyah used her jacket to blow it down. i prayed it will not go down into the drain. haha. it landed on it. and we started crapping, saying all the lame jokes. haha. and i left for cityhall.

i reached at about 1245, and i decided to walkwalk walk to the hmv. haha. and like 1255, i went back to the cityhall. and waited. i studied science. whoa. it wasn't very useful and some people in pink thwarted my plans. haha. and joanna came first, so we went to burger king, and then wendelynn, naomi, then mervin came. and things go on. i did on 2 topics, overcommitment, and some time for your family and yourself. it wasn't very good. because. it was like stuff like children and spouses. haha. so i decided to save my pen ink and write slightly smally. haha.

and went home, and came out to compass to eat. ahh.

ohyay! haha. went to church, and for bible class, we had a discussion, and our group had done alot of stuff yesterday, so it was terribly easy. haha. and they are coming to our house on some day. because, my dad wanted us to pack the place. hahaah

i went for piano, and and home. and did my yi lun wen and ban yue ji. im so pleased with myself. ahah

ohyay.science today! it is a terrible subject. that makes you angry by not setting what you studied your heart our for. haha. but the test was pretty okay! mrslam said that our lit, we done well. hahaa. and mrlam returned our papers, and i got 17. okay.. not good. not bad. ahhh. and mrlim is a crazy man. he scolds for no particular reason. haahah. chinese was terribly fun. yay. we had bi sai again. and we won group one. hello! we always win them! haha. yay. jun zi dong kou bu dong shou haha.

for the cip, we missed crush. and the kids were naughty naughty. the ryan was there again. he was cute. hahaha. but problematic. haha. and there is this guy with cool hair. ehwait! i am not a paedophile. ahahah. and training. im not in the competition mood. haha. i boasted to everyone my boyfriend. well. is not. okay. hahaha. maxloong. the mtvdj. ohyay!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

happy birthday fongwaaa and lynneee!
ahhaha. no wonder lynn wants the bonding session today. haha

eee hellohello. i've not been able to do the blogging because my dad's laptop doesnt like blogger. haha. and today is a terribly happy day!

as usual the auntie was late. my class, or maybe the whole level was terribly scared of the essays during the reading period. who knows what things you get from mrlam? last time it was "liberation". ahh. haha. and during mrslam period, man! mrslam is terribly easy to excape lessons. haha. you just ask her a question and she goes on. just like that. you know how terribly interesting english periods we have! and during chinese, it was a few people's koutoubaogao. and we planned to help everybody to get at least one mark higher, one mark is 5 marks upon 100 okay!! and everyone today got 15 and above! haha.

and there was the competition again. relay on writing words. my words were all terribly simple simple. and the class, or only our group, and the 3rd group, is officially against the 1st group. so, today our group had 2 poeple standing at the board at the same time. but of course, we'll win. haha. wang saw, and she was like minus one! cheh! one only! haha. and when counting the marks, 1st group got 11. please la! even the 2nd group can win! haha. and someone from the 1st group was like
"your have to minus 1!" we were like one only! minus la!"
and in the end, we got 21! cheh! minus 10, also can, but then we'll fight again. we win fights! haha. ohyes i love thursdays, they are terribly fun. haha

and maths. what talking you mrlim? haha. and remedial. so fun. you bimbo audrey. haha.

yay! today! haha. and we always have nice days but without a nice beginning. auntie's late everyday! but the terribly patient class decided to wait patiently. haha. oohyay! pe is so terribly fun! soccer! i didnt know i could dribble the ball. i always thought i would trip upon the ball at my feet. haha. and me, jiajian, wanjun and kendra were in a team, and competed against sasi's team. miss poon was like "shortest captain" i was looking around for the shortest and it turned out to be me. ahyeeeh. haha. and we won! it was terribly cool. i actually bend it like beckham. haha. and jiajian kicked one from the far end, and it happened to roll into the net! ahyeeeh! haha. and mrlim never come, so it was a terribly fun time of handphones. haha. jogging period, had a aces workout. it was quite fun, our class was the first to dismiss, thankyou our so efficient monitress and sports rep who marked attendance so terribly quickly. haha. we went to eat. and goodbye tuesday!

haha. today is a homeecons day! and we did tarts, but audre was the one who did it. haha. i did orange juice and were supposed to add so much water!! the room was smelly and disgusting. but the tarts turned out terribly okay, because my magic hand touched it. haha. ce we cleaned the class room, and was talking rubbish. and took picture of mrlim, the first one was terribly okay, then he started turming lobster red. hahaa.

Monday, August 21, 2006


call it a terribly bad habit. i love posting long and terribly boring posts that no one wants to read. now call it a terribly good habit. i love changind adidas templates. haha

i've not came here for a terribly long time! friday was the geog test. it was terribly easy. maybe not so terrible. i got 17 upon 20! i got it back today but since couldn't go to school today. thank you jiajian! haha. and mrlim gave us so much homework i could pee in my pants. haha. and pe was terribly fun. we played soccer. the sick ones were the goal keepers. so i was the goalkeeper. and one that was afraid of the ball. haha. and lessons resume.

after school, the crush programme thing. it wasn't as funny as last weeks'. last weeks' was terribly funny. and i posted like 700+ already! but dont call me a chatterbox. and training, was normal.

saturday, piano. i went on my own. and my piano exam is on the 14thSeptember! and i wathed pirates of the carribean2 after doing my maths hmwk. so terribly hardworking of me! we watched until the cannibal part was over. because the rest was terribly scary. and my sister still wanted to eat sotongs. ahhh. and we watched superman! the lead was terribly cute. ahhaaha. but the show was boring. terribly boring. haha.

sunday was normal. just that bible class was in the library. minsen was like "first time you see so many people in the library, looking for books. haha. true right. and the groupings were lowersec together. and so on. we went to raffles city. can't stand it. my eyes is so terribly sharp it can cut diamonds. i spotted 2 familiar sardines in the midst of the rest. haha.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

see how terribly great i am, i have a geog test tomorrow! but mrsloh said it would be easy so its not my fault! haha.

the day started normal. the door was locked again, so the whole class of mine were studying at the canteen again! ahh. but the terribly nice class didn't mutter a single complain! :D and, there was supposed to be early bird reading, but me, serene, wanjun went to the basketball court, to skip reading. thats what all my seniors do so why not, join in the fun! haha. i ate annmarie's fish patty, its terribly nice that it made me hunger all the way to recess. coughcough. sarah you passed your germs to me!!!

and homeecons. the df told us to bring the stuff, and in the end, it was a mistake. how terrible! it made me lose 3 minutes of my sleep to prepare all those. ahh. haha. and it was all the theory part. it was terribly boring! and mrstan was smiling at our class' new visualizer. oohahah. then reading, none of us were reading, instead we were wasting sasi's glitter glue by decorating the place. haha. and chinese! the kou tou bao gao paper happen to decide to disappear the day we had it. but anyway, it was about basketball, so we sort of knew. haha. and saysaysay. i was expecting a 12/20 or something. but wang was like 17? whoa. then the terribly jealous 1h couldnt take it, so it was a 16. but it was good enough! haha. she saaid that (translated from chinese) "melinda is able to stand here and say chinese so smoothly is terribly good" haha. so actually, lousy chinese also helps. well, in a way. don't come sue me if it doesnt work. haha. but, is that a compliment?

maths we did some sail thing. i grouped with serene wanjun and zhengjia. we crapped terribly alot. and laughed terribly alot too. haha. the reasons to the qestion thought by serene was so terribly funny.

we went for some talk by doctorjohnwang? and it was quite good. he gave away a 2dollar note for a prize. and jiajian got it. haha. we did some charasteristics of a successful person. and serene wanjun aisyah. ours was terribly colouful. haha. ah! should have taken a picture of it.

yesterday was terribly laughy as well. and mrstan sort of dialouge, and sort of not. but ce was fun. the cabinet of ministers. and jiajian's comments, all big nose one. and one question, one lollipop. i got the one for the minister of defence. and there was mrlam's remedial. before that, aisyah was like giving us se. haha. and we fooled alot with sasi's confetti and glitter glue! training was okay. the worst part was the suicide

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

today was a terribly laughy day!

it started with music, we were supposed to do oh yes i remember, improvisation on oh when the saints. it's so terribly difficult that only one person is able to do it! haha. the test shall be next week. haha. and it was literature again, it was only abit boring, abit only. ahyee, i forgot to bring home my crystals again! haha. and jogging period, we took height and weight, i was actually lalala cm, and is considered terribly short in my class, haha. and everybody looked terribly funny, trying to get taller when taing the height. and the weight, it was also terribly funny. hha. misspoon said that zhengjia is the only one that is terribly fit in class! ahh. for an athlete. and recess. and chinese! shermin was actually sitting infront of us, but change again! and chinese periods are terribly fun. because she was teaching about some chinese compo thing! yes. and english again, mrslam was saying about people who are terribly timid in class, when she said about jessica again, everyone burst out laughing, haha. it was terribly funny, she said she looked like she was going to cry every minute. haha

and after school, they wanted to do the ipw, but no house was available, so we stayed in the classroom to plan our terribly fantastic skit. haha. the wanjun's group's skit was terribly funy as well, me and audrey were the pandas. and so on. there were like two scenes, the pandas weren't caught by the pacher in the end, and it was teribly funny! wahaha

yesterday, we collected back our salt crystals, and mine and yingxin's one were mostly cubes. so yay! haha. we got back our maths test! yay! i thought i was going to fail, but i think i did terribly okay. and our class, is getting smarter! haha. our class had the lowest msg in the level. :) haha. i got back my summary and diary writing yoo. thank God!

and cip again. i partnered wanjun again, and took the green group again, they had water break like every game! haha. but they were terribly cute ya? the yellow group had alot of attitude problems. haha. and one boy, ryan, kept sticking to jocelyn and holding her hand, and at the last part, the 4 houses raced, and after the first one, jocelyn shoutd that there will be one more! and the ryan boy, ran t her, and whisper "one what?" he is terribly scary. haha.

and training, it was terribly okay, and when we ran, the mrtay was talking, he talked for 3 solid hours! that time, jiaolian talk for 1 hour, i almost slept, some more, it is in chinese! haha. and mrtay said that we were terribly disciplined. haha. oh thankyou! misspoom said that before. haha. i feel my head swelling. ahhh. haha.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

i shall not let any of you miss me, i shall post today!

was i supposed to play piano today? i don't know? but i know i can't do it on the spot. yes. today to church, and is the normals, and bible class, lydia was leading on her own, and the frst song was terribly nice. haha. but, i dont know how to play it. i haven't led this year! haha, and my group's turn is over already. haha. joanne's family sent me and melsa home, and we went to eat at the foodcourt, i ate 3 bowls of rice! haha. so terribly nice.

i, didn't go for piano, instead, i went to the east coast park for cip, litter picking. i reached school at about 730, when we were supposed to reach at 815, see how terribly good of me. haha. and audrey was there, sitting in the bench again, haha. i was the only one wearing school uniform, because my shirt's with melisaa! the sec fours were like running 6 rounds round the school. i am an alarm clock for audreylee, she is still sleeping at 755. ahhh! haha. but the terribly good thing is, yintian's sleeping at 820. haha. so i partnered wanjun and listened to barney and friends song. upon reaching, we cut through the foodcourt to the beach, not exactly the beach, but, the beach. haha. it was like 3 hours there! and serene was like complaining that the plastic gloves were so terribly disgusting and when we wear it, it will be so wet. and mdmer was like staring at her. haha. they said group into 4! so the 4 1ssers. haha. and we were competing with the sec2 tammy's group who could collect more rubbish, so we went to all the tables and ask them. haha. we cleaned the beach, till it was terribly clean. but there wass till 2 more hours. ahhh. we told mdm er, and she was like (translated from chinese) "the beach so big of course there will be alot of rubbish!" there were cleaners there already, and the beach is really terribly clean. hayer. we were talking about something, with the sec2s also, and we saw mdmer approachng, so charlotte "eh hurry, split!" so we ran off. haha. so terribly funny. there was no litter to the extent that we took the leaves and stems and threw them away to fill the thrash bag. see how terribly smart. haha. and we went to the macdonalds there. eat. haha. me, audrey, serene, jiamin left from there to parkway parade, we followed joey, and we walked to pp from there. so terribly hardworking of us. haha. and we ate the terribly nice venezia, and so on. we went tot opshop, and me and audrey wanted the card, we were walking around the shop like 20 times and we got it. haha.

after, i went home, and went out again to cityhall, to watch the fireworks, it was terribly packed! i ate pasta, but the fireworks looked terribly normal, like the ones in every years ndp. haha. the terribly poor buono pasta staff has a manager that des nothing but asking them to hurry up. haha. and we went home. so simple.

today is a terribly good school day because, there is no chinese haha. yes, there was lit, and mrlam was exposing on mrslam again. haha. terribly funny. english, we had a diary time assignment, i did a terribly smart thing, i counted the words. haha. but i'm not supposed to. haha. jogging, i went to the basketball court, and did waterbottle, serene wore my shirt. haha. and assembly it was terribly funny, even though i don't really know what talking they about. and nus, is it nus? they danced. terribly, not good. haha. and i went to j8 with serene to eat. haha.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

i'll shall do something frm the chummychubs blog!

1.what are you doing now?
eating, typing

2.who are your bests friends(6)?

3.what is your favourite song?
the steps of a good man!

4.what was the last song you heard?
i don't wanna miss a thing aerosmith

5.who is the person you are chatting with now?

6.what sow are you watching now tv?
i dont watch tv! haha

7.what is your favourite brand?

8.who do you like?

9.what are you wearing now?
adidas tee, cedar shorts

10.who do you want to do this survey?
anyone who feel like it

personal stuff.
1.what is your full name?
melinda chan kar wei

2.what is your chinese name?
wo ai hua wen

3.mix both in an alphabetical order
ai chan hua melinda wei wen wo

and more! haha

1.whats your name?
melinda chan

2.if you could live forever, would you?
if God wants me to do something?

3.what time is it?

4.do you have anything in your pocket?

5.if you did, what would it be?
oxygen and helium

6.do you collect any weird objects?
like rotting green teas?

7.when did you last take your bath?

8.do you like coconuts?
coconut heads, yes

9.what is your favourite icecream flavour?

10.is 'guess what' a question?
if it ends with an ?

11.have you ever thought of something funny?
you mean there is something not funny?

12.where do you shop for grocery?

13.whats your favourite fruit?

14.white or dark chocolate?

15.my tummy hurts, does yours?

16.how many houses have youlived in?
don't know?

17.do you prefer peanuts or almonds?

18.jeans loose or tight?

19.can you cook?
instant meals,of course

20.do you usually dream at night?
of course!

21.what are your dreams about?
kingkong chasing me :D

22.do you prefer peppermint or spearmint?

23.do you talk on the phone alot?
im not my sister! haha

24.what kind of car doyou drive?
ferrari, red

25.if you don't have one, what do you want?
a chauffeur

26.do you curse?
no! its expensive!

27.do you like lemonades?

28.sweet or salt?

29.chocolate or hard candy?
anything is fine

30.what song do you know every word to?
name it?

31.do you wear makeup daily?

32.do you chew on straws?
when no one is looking! haha

33.when at a fastfoodres, what do you get?

34.do you get on xanga/myspace daily?

35.what kind of shoes do you wear?
adidas? haha

36.do you get annoyed when people tYpe liKe tHiS?
eeew! of course!

37.do you type like that?

38.have you ever been whistled at while walking out?
im deaf!

39.did you like this?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

terribly happy national day!

haha. i woke up, went to my uncles' house, then to takashimaya! haha. my sister said my pink wallet is terriblu ugly. it is not okay! haha. and we ate gelato, at venezia, and we ate the red and white flavour. haha. it was so terribly sour that.. eh.. i think it is sour, hha. i don't make sense. nevermind. because the flavours were strawberry and lemon. ahlala. and we went around eating. haha. this is a boring national day. i mean, every year's national day is boring! haha.

just that i read alot of bookworm books in my cousin house, while they were kicking soccer in that room. ahhh. fierce, thank God i'm still alive and kicking! haha. i am going for piano tomorrow, so get ready to see the phrase "i went for piano today!" crap, i fell so crap, thanks to serene and wanjun, we were looking at hello kitty abnd guessing how expensive it was for a white cat, with 6 whiskers wear a prom dress, it is smaller than my hand and it costs 30 bucks, but of course my hand worths more. i almost forgot how to spell worth. haha.

i ate 5 slices of pizza yesterday i think i am going to burst. but you won't see pineapples because i pulled them out. haha.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

msn is a terribly jealous thing, once i open the internet page, it signs in immediately.

happy national day tomorrow!
haha. today was our schools' celebration. it was so terribly, uh, red? haha. the start was the parade and everything, and it was terribly boring! and our class, which was at thesecond level, 20 people into one square pillar! so terribly bad! the rest of the classes, they could like even sit on the floor! haha. it's terribly bad being a prefect councilor, when everyone thinks you are biased. ahhh. and we went down to the courtyard for the mass dance. haha. that was terribly fun, and to the hall, we thought that for once they were so good, let us sit at the front-est row. whoa. haha. but not, we moved our 1s sign more to the left so we can have more space. haha. terribly funny. and we sat there, crystal was doing something funny, and the camera man was there, he is a cheekopek as he always takes photos when we look bad. ahhh. and the torchlights thing was cool. haha, our school sang so terribly loudly! our class was terribly enthusiastic! haha, before that was the prize presentation, and the 1s-ers who claimed awards were so blesses to have crazy people screaming for them.

then, me, serene and wanjun went to orchard, there, we walked to potong pasir, and took the mrt! to dg, and to city hall, we were like so crazy, taking all the terribly weird stuff. haha, and we went to prints, and bought a card, we were like 3 walking flags, haha. walkwalkwalk, and to marina square, we went to eat at the food loft, we sat at the tables with blue table cloths. haha. and after eating, wemixed everything up and in the end, it looked like laksa. haha. and we walkwalk, and took neos, haha. we were terribly hysterical! when the time was running out, if not, we are not as crazy to go screaming. haha. and the toilet, when coming out, seren was like ouch, she banged it do hard, that the guy outside, ahhh? thank God we were not in blue and grey. haha.

the normal classes, just that i was playing the piano! ahh! haha, and i played
171. living for Jesus alone
237. for you i will live
238. i have decided to follow Jesus

i think i screwed up 238 terribly. haha. i was unable to do arppegios, so i did octaves instead. haha. for once i saw so many people smiling terribly during singspiration, terribly interesting, i've never saw that before! haha, and we went to buy my shoe. haha

haha. english was terribly funny again. haha. mrslam was saying that jessica has this very scared look, haha. and that is because i said sasi scolded her. haha!!! and lessons resume. there is a situational diary writing test on friday, thank God its not descriptive. okay. and there was the music, testing oh when the saints, with some musical changes, i don't know what you call that, but i don't know how to do it! haha. we went for cip, and the primary one kids were like so cute! haha. one girl, when playing duckduckgoose, i can't believe i lost to the p1. haha. terribly funny. and their basketball net is terribly low and big. and the ball is terribly small. haha

Friday, August 04, 2006

what a terribly scary thing to start off our day. we had our 2.4km run today!

and guess what! the aunty came late again, so we wanted to climb in the window, thats what we did yesterday. haha. but we decided to be ourselves and stay terribly nice. she didn't open our classroom door for the 4th time. right. haha

before that, we did our mass dance! our class danced okay! me and audrey were like at the corner, but thank God everyone spread out, so there was sort of like a mix. haha. that wasted 15 minutes of maths, better than nothing. haha. maths, everyone was still calm, but when it comes to english.. haha! everyone went to the toilet, we offed the aircon, because everyone was feeling terribly nervous about the run in the next period. and yes. i drank one mouth of wanjun's glucose water. she drank the rest. haha.

and during english, mrslam was sayng that mrlam used to dream that monsters was chasing him. haha. and we asked him, what sow did he watch? she was thinking, then crystal was like pokemon! haha. it was actually spidey and friends. hha

we rather not run in sports shoes as our school shoes. it was lighter, even though it spoils your knees and co. but i still wore school shoes. haha. and starting off, i started pretty fast, and maintain, maintain, maintain. at the 5th round, misspoon was like 'strivestrive!' so i ran abit faster. and praise God! evryone in my class passed! haha! yaya! majority got a, yingying sprinted and beat wanjun, just like, we beat me in cross country, due to her terribly fantastic sprinting. haha. yingying was second! i did my 2.4km at

11minutes and 42 seconds! yay! coming in first in class. Praise God aye!

my class didnt go for mass dance, we were all slackng terribly in the classroom. and lessons per normal.

after school! crush programme! haha. actually it is loads of fun. haha. and guess what! my class hit 1000 posts already! yay! we talk about anything under the sun. haha. and we had you know something like the queen of sheba. biggest ____ thumb! haha. and wanjun, loudest whistle, haha. she was really funny, we all laughed until we cried. haha. our class was super enthusiastic! and we all, does melanie have the wider smile? we all yes! and the other team, softly. haha.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

i doubt anyone is going to read this terribly long and boring post. but if you did, i'll let you smell pasta.

yesterday was the terribly slacking day, we only had geog, maths and english. haha. because of the terribly unfavourable maths common tests. during ce, we were during our natinal day cards, of course, we asked jessica to draw her terribly nice jap cartoons. haha. and our class was terribly ribbony! haha. only a special class of 20 could make our cards 20by20. the rest. half. haha.

mrslam revealed that mrlam doesnt eat garlic and co. they two are exposing about each other. haha. so terribly cool. we shall ask him during lit. yes. and before the maths ct. we did a science worksheet. self marked, but terribly honest 1sers, were so terribly honest. ah. haha. furthermore, its open book. haha

tell me what do you call a property of a metal: shiny appearance. if you don't know, i'll let you smell some pasta. yay! haha. the maths test also tested the speed of your hand. my speed is 4 minutes per question, but my dont know what happen to my eyes see the wrong scale. goodbye marks! haha. but thank God at least i finished. ahhh.

happy elections 2006. haha. i voted for yusin, i bet most did too. haha. i was the last in class to vote! :o!!! haha

see, all my days are taken up by terribly training. so much running.

today is a practical day, we had homeecons, then to the science lab. haha. and the experiments were terribly fun, me and audrey used alot of substance x, because the sizzling with the sulphuric acid was so terribly cool! haha. i did it 3 times, and audrey-2. haha. elements is a cool subject. haha. and geog was tearing today, we laughed like crazy! haha. contours, valleys and mountains. ahhh. haha. and chinese, is compete replay on who can find out the most ciyu and wrote on the board the fastest. ahh. 1s is a relay class, that is why we always get the most points on thursday. haha. i cheated on homeecons. i asked my mum to stitch some beads on. haha.

and me, jiajian, crystal went to look for wang. and she explained the gonghan thing 5 times! 5 times! 5 times! 1 was enough. ahh. haha. and here comes training. haha. the toiet door was closed. and jeannette was alone inside. me, serene jiajian, knocked, we wanted to go in, but in the end we ran and hid behind the highjumpers mat. haha. my laughter was silently pain. haha. and we, the basketballers of cedar, are burnt by the sun, maybe only the sec1s, because our seniors tok up the shade which only covered 1/2 the court. and running again.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

say hello to a new and terribly exciting month!

right, my mondays are officially taken off, by literature! but i'm neutral. haha. and the mass dance today was terribly cool! yay! haha. the moves were terribly cheerleading types. the guy was terribly girlish. haha. ohyes. we didn't dare to go crazy because mrlim was there, laughing at us, tell me how crazy we would try to get. nono. and the guy was like "123 cedar rock!" ooh, of course! but the true cedarian spirit lies in the talk of my class! believe it! 900 posts! yay!

and i think i typed an essay, on problems on unity! haha. we hope they'll unite! and training was sort of okay, sort of. half way, my specs became terribly crooked, so i had to play without it.
advantages of the other group: they have a blind opponent.

haha. lessons were okay, i guess? i had a hard time reading the chinese text. music, we were preparing 'oh when the saints' haha. but i was trying out my 3 pieces i am supposed to play on sunday, i have decided to follow Jesus is the easiest. haha.

and guess what? we have to wear knee length white skirts and red tshirts on national day. knee length! and belly botton high. wow. haha.