
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, August 21, 2006

call it a terribly bad habit. i love posting long and terribly boring posts that no one wants to read. now call it a terribly good habit. i love changind adidas templates. haha

i've not came here for a terribly long time! friday was the geog test. it was terribly easy. maybe not so terrible. i got 17 upon 20! i got it back today but since couldn't go to school today. thank you jiajian! haha. and mrlim gave us so much homework i could pee in my pants. haha. and pe was terribly fun. we played soccer. the sick ones were the goal keepers. so i was the goalkeeper. and one that was afraid of the ball. haha. and lessons resume.

after school, the crush programme thing. it wasn't as funny as last weeks'. last weeks' was terribly funny. and i posted like 700+ already! but dont call me a chatterbox. and training, was normal.

saturday, piano. i went on my own. and my piano exam is on the 14thSeptember! and i wathed pirates of the carribean2 after doing my maths hmwk. so terribly hardworking of me! we watched until the cannibal part was over. because the rest was terribly scary. and my sister still wanted to eat sotongs. ahhh. and we watched superman! the lead was terribly cute. ahhaaha. but the show was boring. terribly boring. haha.

sunday was normal. just that bible class was in the library. minsen was like "first time you see so many people in the library, looking for books. haha. true right. and the groupings were lowersec together. and so on. we went to raffles city. can't stand it. my eyes is so terribly sharp it can cut diamonds. i spotted 2 familiar sardines in the midst of the rest. haha.


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