
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, August 24, 2006

happy birthday fongwaaa and lynneee!
ahhaha. no wonder lynn wants the bonding session today. haha

eee hellohello. i've not been able to do the blogging because my dad's laptop doesnt like blogger. haha. and today is a terribly happy day!

as usual the auntie was late. my class, or maybe the whole level was terribly scared of the essays during the reading period. who knows what things you get from mrlam? last time it was "liberation". ahh. haha. and during mrslam period, man! mrslam is terribly easy to excape lessons. haha. you just ask her a question and she goes on. just like that. you know how terribly interesting english periods we have! and during chinese, it was a few people's koutoubaogao. and we planned to help everybody to get at least one mark higher, one mark is 5 marks upon 100 okay!! and everyone today got 15 and above! haha.

and there was the competition again. relay on writing words. my words were all terribly simple simple. and the class, or only our group, and the 3rd group, is officially against the 1st group. so, today our group had 2 poeple standing at the board at the same time. but of course, we'll win. haha. wang saw, and she was like minus one! cheh! one only! haha. and when counting the marks, 1st group got 11. please la! even the 2nd group can win! haha. and someone from the 1st group was like
"your have to minus 1!" we were like one only! minus la!"
and in the end, we got 21! cheh! minus 10, also can, but then we'll fight again. we win fights! haha. ohyes i love thursdays, they are terribly fun. haha

and maths. what talking you mrlim? haha. and remedial. so fun. you bimbo audrey. haha.

yay! today! haha. and we always have nice days but without a nice beginning. auntie's late everyday! but the terribly patient class decided to wait patiently. haha. oohyay! pe is so terribly fun! soccer! i didnt know i could dribble the ball. i always thought i would trip upon the ball at my feet. haha. and me, jiajian, wanjun and kendra were in a team, and competed against sasi's team. miss poon was like "shortest captain" i was looking around for the shortest and it turned out to be me. ahyeeeh. haha. and we won! it was terribly cool. i actually bend it like beckham. haha. and jiajian kicked one from the far end, and it happened to roll into the net! ahyeeeh! haha. and mrlim never come, so it was a terribly fun time of handphones. haha. jogging period, had a aces workout. it was quite fun, our class was the first to dismiss, thankyou our so efficient monitress and sports rep who marked attendance so terribly quickly. haha. we went to eat. and goodbye tuesday!

haha. today is a homeecons day! and we did tarts, but audre was the one who did it. haha. i did orange juice and were supposed to add so much water!! the room was smelly and disgusting. but the tarts turned out terribly okay, because my magic hand touched it. haha. ce we cleaned the class room, and was talking rubbish. and took picture of mrlim, the first one was terribly okay, then he started turming lobster red. hahaa.


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