
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I reaaaaallllly got a hip dislocation. Hahaha. NO LAH my tiny muscle at my hip was just over worked but I still don't get why an over worked muscle will cause funny bones to move. Hahaha

Yesterday I had RProject auditions,
And the Cedarians (Aisyah, Andeline, LiBing, Amanda and I) were auper chicken so we hid along the narrow corridoors to do our catwalk practising and when we went in, it was freeeeeaking scary. Hahaha Yeah but I'm glad at least I tried though I won't get in. Hahaha.

Had our first tutorial yesterday and the classrooms had cool table/chairs. The table were chairs and the chairs were tables. HAHAHA yeah you geddit. And we have handsome econs teacher. Hahahaha.

We had a relatively easy day and had assembly on 'Code of Conduct'. HAHA Lee Yong En totally slept through the entire thingy. Stayed back to wait for training to start and YongEn convinced me to eat solid food for wtv reason and I went to training. Yeah. Sucked.


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