
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hellllllo. HIHI
Today is Saturday. Right.

On Thursday, we had damnnnn alot of lectures and it was actually subject intro but they started on the notes. Haha. In between lectures, we hung around at the canteen and went to play Frisbee at ri. I hate playing frisbeeeee cuz I chant "me me me me me me me me me me me me" and no one EVA passes to me. Sad right. And!!! No one believes I'm in the same team as them :(

On Friday,
We had noooo lectures at all (Only for this weeek) so we just slacked. I was super duper uper pissed at someone so that caused me to be moody for the entire day. Haha

Headed over to VJ after that in my VJ PE shirt and everyone had to bathe cause they stink from playing games at the beach HAHA and I went to meet Serene for a tiny little while before she had to rush and I was with JieShi and she walked me to the busstop to meet Bryan and ZiFeng. Haha went to Marina Carls Jr for free flow of drinks and to the fountain of wealth where all the mass dances were. I was amazed at how popular I was. Haha. Toooook loads of pictures (I don't know where they are) and Jasmine (og head) pulled us to join the 'Pyxis' human train but in the end I broke it (Under Bryan's influence) and there was the 'Cedar' one too but too corny for me. Later they start cheering Cedar Solid I DIE.

Didn't want to get caught up in the mass of humans so Grace, Bryan, ZiFeng and I hung around at the back haha and met many new and old people!!! :) :)

Don't know how to explain what happened but it was v v v fun and after that we went to Marina rooftop and home. I was dying.

Had my first x training and I dieded.


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