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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Right. It's been years since I last wrote here.

Hahaha. This is a weird birthday cuzz it's rare that I don't celebrate it with Melissa Chanz. I remember we had a cake once which had a chicken and a snake on it. HAHA. Anyway, thank you all for your wishes, you certainly made my day. Hehe.

On 18th April I met the 4C clique and they got me a cake and we camwhored the entire time on Angeline's mac while we were trying to study. We met at Bugis (I really really really really hate bugis by the way bugis stinks) Hahaha and yeah thank you all babezzz :) :) And to LeeYongEn and LeeSiMin Melsa Chan and Mild Red and Mummy and everyone out there muackzzz. Hahahaha

It just occured to me that I had a really large ego to think that whatever I use IS the best.
Take for example, I used to use a Motorola Razr phone and I thought that it was the best phone on earth and it's better than htc iphone blackberry combined together. HAHA. It died on me 2 months after I got it but I still thought it was the best. Omg what's wrong with me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Speech Day was more painful and boring than I imagined it to be. But seeing the people was v v v awesome :)

We were supposed to at 730 (omg right earlier than actual school day) but I was a little little bit late but it didn't make any difference cause when I reached they were just starting the rehearsals. (Anyway,who rehearses a ceremony like 100000 times?) And we all had to wear our full attire- blazers in the blazing hot sun (Whoohoo sounds tricky)

The speech made by the guest of honour is the most boring thing I ever heard in my entire life I'd rather watch my fingernails grow, which I did lah. There was really nothing else to turn to. Hahaha received our awards, felt the pek-cek-ness coming all over again while I tried to push it away. It didn't feel as bad as day one. HAHA

Camwhored throughout the day and headed to pp to eat cuz Rachel the pig claims she is dying from hunger and the town area is tooooo far away. Hahaha

School is pretty much still the same same, still pretty interesting and funny here and there. Haha

And oh, Raffles track is really awesome no? They won both guys and girls champions! Whoohoo.
I have no mood to continue typing. So bye.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Tomorrow's speech day and just in time I got my blazer and skirt and tie. Court shoes? Nvm LAH Hahaha

Went to crash VJC on the April Fools day and almost joined them for PE but was just clever enough not to.  Stayed back to watch the match instead and though VJ won CJ 8 nil, I didn't get to see a single goal cuz everytime I turn away, they scored. Hahaha
But but but it was great to see Serene Aloe Rach Nasuha (eyeing her soccer bf) and many many many many more. Hahaha Didn't geta see Bryan ZiFeng Grace though :( :(

Had Good Friday service on erm, Good Friday haha and met YongEn to catch a movie. Haha

School is more or less the same, and finally had a hth talk with Serene today and half with Jiale hahaha its been a realllly long time since I could blabber out crap. Haha