
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

On Samstag,
Me, Crystal, Audrey and Serene went to nlb to study! Haha. Being the earliest [as usual], Crystal coming in her starbucks uniform and a cap [it's darn sunny] haha. Serene, as usual, and Audrey that schewine ich tell du! Sleeeeeping. haha. Anyway, went to buy potato, and sushi to eat. haha yay :D

Got a really nice table with mini seats [at die children's section], and ich was trying to show crystal how to draw a graph using her long ruler, and it snapppped. Haha. Anyway, despite the continuos steps of earthquakes and squeals of laughter [eins papa was reading so darn loud!]

After that, we decided to take a break from comtinuos intensive studying, we went to eat! :D
And so on and so forth.

Gestern was History paper, my hand was like at the cramped position for years, and ich brought a huge staple instead of a normal one, so ich had a difficult + painful time trying to staple my neinmasterpieces together.

Of course, heute ich learnt my lesson. But lit was hundert times worser ich telllll du! Ich spent a whole load of time deciding on which to do, and then decided to do sectionA first! But then, Ich only thought of eins incident, so ich went forth to do frankenstein. easier of course. Haha

& after zithat, time to collect class tee-shirt [beauty]. And gave them out at the foyer, and put the teacher's ein into their mailtray. hahahaha :D


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