
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

hahahaha. yesterday went to aunt julie's house! ate and the aunties sat at the sofa and the others sat at the dining table. and they were saying that clarence is exactly like mervin. ohno! mervin has a clone! trouble! hahaha. the bowling and all. haha. and we started eating oranges again and started drinking coke with 7uplime and tea. we thought 7uplime was water but it tasted like mamalemon! hahaha. and we bluffed the aunties to drink it, saying that it was sky dew :D haha.

and me and clarence got drunk on drinking coke. e! haha. then me and clarence ate melon seeds by cracking it and putting it back. haha and we were wondering what they'll do with it :D super funny. haha

top period. went to hall, issue 1-18 was invalid. why say! haha. only the phone and the shoes were okay. haha. and me, jiajian and serene ran to the macpherson busstop and took 154 and ran from the busstop to ccab. haha. and we reached first. yay! :D

and what! the referee was standing in the court and blocking magdalene from scoring and in the it was a travelling.
all of us become so angry, when 'he' walked here, we all stared at him.

seniors! it was a good one anyway! and your knew your lost gracefully. we have a nice coach! haha. and in the bus, lee was right inside, we were saying "if lee were to fall..." dangdangdangdang.
haha. and she did. all of us sort of moonwalked right to the centre of the bus. haha. and we all sat down, and beside mag was one girl sleeping! and she was swaying! haha. lee and serene starting videoing the whole thing! haha. super funny! :D

shoes! :D

aunt j's house :D




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