
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Saturday, January 27, 2007

haha. yesterday's match was superly fun :D i kept bluffing people to pass me the ball, and joline did. hahaha. &making weird sounds like dragons are duperly fun:) haha.

training today! :D haha. during match, i fell and slided on the rough floor and i had a bruise+cut on my shoulder :( haha. and yay thanks crysy for helping me buy!

went to popular to get my assessment books! so cool right! haha. the previous post was summarized. haha. friday's history, we were laughing at the earpicking service thing. haha. me and jj thought crys was lying! haha. we i was trying to do the "this is his face, i pinch his face"

haha. lynn lost! so she did the asking! haha. i was the tape recorder because me and audrey label ourselves as scaredy cats! haha. i rather it be rabbits you know! haha. lynn was so shy please! haha. and she kept walking up and down! and yay! i caught it on video! lynn, see yourself on youtube! haha. it's "lynno the shylo" go find it! haha. i was kidding. haha.

i can't wait for basketball cdiv competitions to start! :D
GodBless the seniors for their upcoming matches! haha.
you go girl! :D


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