
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, September 01, 2006

happy teachers' day! ah we had a terribly smashing day yesterday!

i came early to school, and zhengjia and wanjun was there already. and the cockroach, or maybe it is a rare species of insect that survives in the light, without food or drink for at least 2 weeks. haha. and my class is going to be renovated, well, the floor only. because it has some sinking feeling. one day jiayan is going to disappear. haha.


yay! this is from the front view of the class. look at the beautiful aircon!

yay! and this is from the back view!

this is where i sit, directly below the aircon. haha

in memory of, wait, its not like were leaving now.

take note of the floor while admiring my name.

the teachers' desk.

teacher's desk2


during recess!

a rushy day after school.

and there was the games. we didn't play anything. as it was raining, we planned to play against the teachers in basketball! haha. so we went to the staff room, outside, and waited for teachers to come out. it was terribly crowded that if you put your legs up for 1 minute, you won't fall. unless everyone does the same. haha. and for once, teachers felt like hollywood stars.

we went to see the volleyball. crystal was terribly good! haha and mr lim was whiter than an albino. ahhhh!

after that, we went to the hall, for the performance, and the some sort of rock band, was terribly bad! ahh! the lead was so act cool, she looked like paul twohill. haha. thats not a good sign. haha. and we went back to the classroom! and changed and left for our primary school. haha

me and audrey went together, and yes. i reached, the trafic light, i didn't recognize silin! ahh. she is such a blooming girl. haha. jessica is still as chatterboxy. she is reduced to a state that she has a balloon as a husband. ahhh. and after a while, everyone came, our class, practically everyone was there! haha. yay! and we went to compasspoint to eat. and home. haha

wednesday! haha.
it was a super nice day. mrslam made me, serene and wanjun anxious for the whole holiday by not marking our scripts. haha, and after school, there was a cockroach in the light. haha

the sasi part is so funny. hahaha

and we went running, and i felt i ran faster than the 2.4! yay! and audrey went for crush. and made me wait for her, but mean while, serene made the roses while i inserted the stick. the school was terribly slippery and wet. haha

and me and audrey went to look for pingpong balls. but there were none. we went hunting for teachers day presents. it was terribly fun. i got teachers powerpuff erasers in the shape of an icecream. haha.

was a terribly crappy day. haha i mean everyday is crappy. haha. after school i went for crush. did i mention i won the best poster prize? haha. criteria is to have
-intelligent crap
-no spam
and the rest, i forgot. haha. so sad i wasnt in mrleos class. his class is funnyfunny. haha.

front page of the forums

profile, i conquered as a vip!

small class, fast! haha

com lab's computers are so big and gigantic they decided to make it look flat. haha

best poster prize. haha

and after that, training, and parents meeting! haha, my father was at the stall getting limejuice. haha, and im the first to talk to mrlim. as usual, he said i am forgetful. hah. but he said i have the potential. and repeated i am forgetful 5 times. haha. then we went up to the gallery, our class people, we weren't listening to a single thing the principle was talking about. ahhh.

beautiful school hall! haha

our stuff, at the drug alley.


the clock tower does look scary in the evening! ahhhhh.


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