
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, June 23, 2006

i'm back from that wonderful place!
pre-day 1
after service, [families] me, joanne, mervin, naomi, joseph and cheryl, went to malacca! 5 cars guiding each other, ain't it cool? and after a few hours, we reached the hotel! so glam! golden legacy! my room was 1004 but changed to 1022. after settling down. we went to mahkota. didn't go walking much, but eat. haha! then went back, and going to watch soccer! yay! brazil vs australia! mervin came over at about 2330. but the match was actually at 3. so we played alot of thaiti and bridge. fun fun. first half nothing, my two sisters were already asleep. but i'm a loyal fan. then half time! can sleep for 15 minutes. but never wake up. suddenly my mother. "GOAL!" then all except ,my secong sister wake up. of course, brazil won, that earned me another icecream. hehe.

day 1.
woke up at about 10, missed breakfast. haha. then went over to joanne's room, played citadels. man! mervin killed me and stole my money! evilton! and the adults went out. and lunch came, we decided to eat pizza hut! so my father drived me,mervin,sisters, and naomi to mahkota, and it was like a roller coaster. lane 1 to lane 5, left and right, up and down, maybe even more fun! hehheh. and we bought macs for lil joseph and pizza hut for both! and bought pepsi gold. haha. i didn't need to carry anything. the somewhat gentleman mervin helped. haha. and about 2. the others were coming in already, so we decided to tempt them by eating the pizza in the lobby. the bus came, and there was joanna and co. so after settling. we realised joanna's room is super large! so that was the official night gahtering place. and we started playing yoda. a higher standard of snap. and there was orientation! and the buffet dinner. amd then the messages and discussions. and went to joanna's room for fun. and played and played. and slept a little bit late.
but the best is yet to be.

day 2
i mised the morning devotion, but got breakfast, and the message, then after lunch there was the games! yay! the blindfolded one was so funny, mervin added a leg on our picture. haha, then the guys went swimming and girls played cards. after abot half an hour of peace the people were back. but they must visit our room before going to bathe. purposely never bring towel. and message. and soccer! if i'm not wrong, it's ecuador and germany. ya. and ecuador lost 3.0. haha! mervin and someone i forgot who surported ecuador. the rest, germany, and that won me an icecream. and played more thaiti and bridge. i won every game of bridge! yayhay! today's dinner, i ate only escargots. whats wrong with the pronunciation? they started calling me that! i ate 4 of that. and 4 bowls of mushroom soup, after that, i got a stomach ache, they said it was the escargots swimming in mushroom soup.
but the best is yet to be.

day 3
i went for the morning devotion, then breakfast and then message and lunch, and i only put a fly on mervin and he started going in circles to throw it back at me. the table, but in the end, it vanished. must be my jean grey powers working. and it was free time! my parents went back to singapore for something, so me and mildred sat mervin's car and the melsa study. and the joanne and naomi went too. we all followed james and decided to go bowling, i'm a first timer. so the first 3 were all gutter balls, then i cleared1 fully and the next 2 or 3 missed 2 or 3. and ... i got 45 only, mervin don't belive i'm a first timer. be that way! but i'm a first timer. after that, we went daytona! 7 people racing each other, that ha, i'm not a first timer but first time i got 7th. haha. then mervin come and disturb me, think his hand very long? can cover my eyes? but i got 5th. and last round, i got 6 out of 8 people, at first i was 2nd than at the last part, all of them come and squash me. then we went to giant to buy stuff for party! and mervin bought a ball. and bully me again. what else. hng. and me, joanne and mervin got ice cream, then walk back to the car, there was a big drain and the mervin was like "fall down. fall down" but of course, i never fall down. but i "choke to death" and he choked. haha, must be my jean grey powers again. then we went back, and me, joanne, and naomi went swimming, then we competed the boys against captains ball, but in the end never, we played monkey instead. i was able to stand at a 90degree angle, to keep mervin away from me. how powerful of jean grey. and then ... yes. the dinner, was in the hall, i ate plenty of pasta. and my parents were back. yay! and i started "joanne, do you know why is it so hot?" and then "look up" and tickle her neck. haha. after that, the whole church knew about it. then much pepsi colas. i won joanne and mervin. lost to daniel and melsachan. then the workshop and testimonial. then. here comes the PARTY! all invaded joanna's room, played cards, alot. then played polar bear! haha. was the guru for the first round, did i suceed? of course! then next round, supposed to be only one guru for each. then second round, "guru wake up!" then i felt a tap on my shoulder so i wake up, then i saw mervin staring at me. huh? someone actually touched someone, by purpose. spoiler! haha. and mervin has insanely something wrong, keep on accusing me. tsktsk. i succeeded as a polarbear once! i killed everyone! yay! long live the bear! and yes, actually there is someone who thinks that my pillows smells good. of course it does. then we played matong. some were half asleep. like james, so he's the matong. for some. and daniel and cheryl [both 23]. daniel use tissue paper and tickle us. cheryl use video cam and take down the reaction. james and joanna started laughing at me. was it that funny? i thought mervin was worse. daniel and cheryl were greatly amused. haha. then we watched jeremy's video. got the mervin huge face smiling at the camera. then at about 2. sleep.

day 4
woke up, morning devotion, breakfast. had guava soup. haha. then went up to joanne's room to play! and then the rest were leaving but our parents going to tesco, so we stayed in joanne's room and played cards. sending the rest off. the mervin brought my nice smelling pillow to the lobby, man! so weird. haha. and the chewing gum, happened to be empty! i didn't scare ruth, it's not that she dont want to say hi to me, its because mervin stand behind me then she was scared. haha. then we played bridge, i partnered mervin 6 times, won 4 times with him, partnered jie 3 times and won 3 times with her, and pertnered naomi 2 times and won once. mervin the peeping tom, keep looking at my cards. [shakes head] then leaving already, we went to the "lao di fang" to eat lunch, actually, mervin's chinese is lousier than mine, at least i could read most of the menu. ha! and the waiting time took an hour, and me and mervin competed who could eat more rice, i won! by a bowl. haha. and i gave him a prawn to eat with his plain rice. how kind! then started, and went to jusco. i bought a chop. yayhay! haha. then the journey continues. mervin bought an adidas tshirt. but mine is nicer, of course.


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