
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

it has been a wonderful day at school. haha

form- mrstan bee chok.
english- mrslam! :D
chinese- mdm goh something
science- mrs tanbc
maths- mr clarencelim!
lit- mr lam! haha

so cool. haha. and the mr clarence lim's our new basketball i/c.
it cannot get any more interesting.

aisyah's the monitress!
natalie's the asst. monitress!

hello to the new girl teresa! you have to be crazy alright! haha.

today school was so happy and lively, because no one starts lessons on the first day! haha. in fact we were wlaking around the school loking at how all the sec ones uniforms were so alike.

and its the first day but the dionne prefect said our socks, our skirt. ah. i mean it's so long! haha.

and mrstan kept repeating what she says. haha. mrlim gave us freddo the frog chocolates. ahh. haha i took jiayan's and teresa's one! don't make me sound like some greeedy person alright!? haha

chinese. ah. chinese. AH!. chinese. AH! and i didn't digest one thign the teacher said. haha. wendelynn's in my chinese class! haha. we stayed back to see the arrival of mr lim, so we just listened to what veron had to say, grabbed our bball tees and ran! so cool. haha


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