
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas! (yesterday)

Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone

yesterday the church people came to my house! i went to the big flight if stairs to wait for wendy pam and geraldine! haha. and soon all came. haha. then we ate and ate. and
we played bridge. it was the champions league kind of thing, you lose, go down, winners play with winners. haha, and i didn't move up! haha. means i wa sa all time loser. haha. but i still won, some!

and joanne! yay girl power! we only lost by one, and its because of a little tiny weeny mistake. haha, after the singing and so, there were left over food so we played indian poker!
-you take one card, and put it on your forehead, whether you believe your friends if it is the largest card, and the largest card eats the leftover food. haha.

i was laughing so hard, i think i cried. haha. mervin is the winner! he ate 4 times or so! congrats! i know you were hungry!

then we played the number game, i started laughing so hard i choked on the noodles, and cried again, and the number was 33.
daniel was like" last time she cries for no reason, now she laughs for no reason"

yay i have a great time!
<3 the adidas bag! haha


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