
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

have not posted for days yay! haha.

went for piano. haha. then met joanne and loretta, supposed to go cycling under the beautiful sun but the grey evil clouds started appearing. haha. well, i prayed but my sister even said i would knock into the dustbin.

why is it called a dustbin? dust don't stink.

haha. we were deciding whether to wait for the rain to stop or head to someone's house to watch v/d cds. that took us half an hour. haha. in the end we all went to my house and watched some korean show. haha.

some wo de ye man shi jie
sounds like those kind which will make you laugh until the credits finish!? haha. it's terribly sweet and funny in the first part. then the guy dies, killed by her, who is a policewoman who accidentaly shot him. and after that it's been sad sad sad. haha. but its nice. yay!

1. me and lynn- bluffed by mag to come at 730 when training actually starts at 9. haha.
2. it's jiaolian's birthday!

so the sec twosthrees brought food, and it was quite fun, the seniors came back. haha. and serene was like "lets go steal the fruits (from the cake)" and jiaolian was standing behind her. haha.

today we wanted to eat cup noodles but the vending machine kept putting TRY ANOTHER SELECTION. we banged and we kicked and we knocked the machine. jiamin on-ed and offed the switch and there was a FAULT TST. haha. it was pretty fun, we banged and kicked it again. so we decided to try the new vending machines at the second lever. the food was okay. but there was one twisties hanging there, half of the rolling thing broken, so when it is supposed to turn and drop the food out, only one side moves. someone tries buying it first but it didn't drop. haha. so we banged the COIN RETURN button and her money came out. we banged and we kicked and we knocked the machine to let it come out. the npcc were there so we TRIED not making it loud. haha. then we tried buying the pocky above it so that it will knock the twisties down. haha. evryone screamed when it didn't. in the end after much knocking and banging jiamin bought that twisties. haha.


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