
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, June 04, 2006

i've been laughing much lately. all thanks to mrbrown and mr russell peters! haha. you should definitely watch the one about bargain. it's a killer. and! yesterday while mervin was online, my sister was like so random. suddenly ask, "is your leg itchy?" haha. huh? then, "no no no, is your mommy's leg itchy?" haha. then my mother was like (from the kitchen) "why your take the cloth all over the house? leg itchy is it?" and my sister and i was painfully in laughter.

today went to church, talking about johnathan edward's 70 resolutions. well, i never fufill mine. well, most. my most remembered resolution was to cut my nails regularly. and wendelynn's one was to stop biting her nails. then elene was like "then you let her bite your nails, no problem already!" haha. we were going to lydia's but it was supposed to be next week!

and i saw nernice's blog. right. let me try some killer of boredom. i'm naming 20 people. :0
11.audrey lee
12.tan yingying

how did you meet 14?
aisyah.cgss. classmates? yes, that crapper

what would you do if you never met ? cute bunnies bouncing around!

what would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
loretta & yonghwee.ahhaha. the age...

did you ever like 19?
naomi. she's cute, but not that way!

would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
sasi & 153.hahah! the height! :D but maybe yes.

describe 3
serene. cute and tweety birdy!

do you find 8 attractive?
mervin. well, maybe he is. haha

tell me something about 7.
sarah. manly and smart. humor fills it.

do you know anything about 12's family?
yingying. parents. brother x2.

what is 8's favourite?
mervin. manchester?

what do you do if 11 confesses (s)he love?
audreylee. eew. no way! haha. kidding!

what language does 15 speak?
wanjun. basketball language.haha

who is 9 going out with?
loretta. don't know?

how old is 16 now?
melanie. 13 years and less than a month old.

when was the last time you talked to 13?
priscillia. ???

who's 2 favourite band/singer?
joanne. aye.. not sure!

would you date 4?
bernice. no way! (copied) no im not les please. and haijin will be jealous.

would you date 7?
sarah. the man! yes but no! i'm not les, as well.

is 15 single?
wanjun. N-O no!

what's 10 last name?
wendelynn. qi? haha

would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
audreylee. no way! aye!

what school does 3 go to?
serene. CEDAR!

where does 6 live?
sasi. bishan?

what's your favourite thing about 5?
mildred. weirdness. haha

haha. and thats about all.


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