
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, October 05, 2006


science and maths were nearer success.

scince. science.
why do i keep typing it wrongly! eek

i knew how to do every question, but it depends if i could get it right.

all except one. i was like huh!!! my whole class just took any number and +-x it. eek.

shows an instrument used in chinese medical halls. ookay.

question one was like
if the mass of the rod EF is 200g, what is the weight of the rod alone?

all it cheeem or lousy language. i just dont understand it.

eek. and the whole question was like 10 marks. haha. yay. only ten marks. maybe i still would be able to get 90. haha.

i lovelovelove maths. haha. i did finish paper one in 35 minutes and started doing the section B.

since i didn't have the calculator, so i did the contruction and stuffs. haha.

i'm going to highlight this.
my class won. won what? not too spetacular. antismoking at buzz at canteen! and the money was stolen by mrlim. haha

will passion get you to triple science? eek

do this. take force due to gravity be 10N/kg

1. a crane is used to lift 200kg of sand in a 50kg steel container. if the energy supplied by the fuel is 60Kj, calculate the height to which the crane has lifted the sand.

b. in reality, the actual height which the crane can lift the sand is not as calculated. state and explain if the actual height would be greater or lesser than the calculated height.

what say the setter?


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