
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, May 25, 2006

and this is a follow up the recently updated. haha, i enjoy listening to the mrbrownshows! hahaha! and me and bernice are in a team, doing something really fun!

me and audrey teamed up too! watch out sarah! hahaha things we will need:
-red pail
-red paint
-chilli sauce
-sport shoes
-face paint

haha! wanjun has gone to buy the stuff for eating tomorrow! can't wait

and this is a more detailed match played, some were in charge of the entire game, not letting others to have a smell of the ball. and sitting there and bad-mouthing people, who will get the medal? we'd rather stick to serene.

and i just realised, life in cedar is crappingly fun! i'm so free now, so lets explain today in detail.

went to school, reached at about 6.43, when aisyah chased after me at the traffic light. then going into the classroom, melissa was on-ing the aircons. then i started writing the log-book! and then we crapcrapcrap. then went to the courtyard. the normal flag raising with only sec1 and 2s singing. then the captains ball! and then, the real fun starts.

dancing in the classrooms, its like a hotel room without beds with tables and chairs, eevryone was ready to go home! but then there was chinese, someone called us over, and we brought nothing, zero. the last part was the shit part.
they weresaying about 3G phones in the toilet bowl, and the camera seen would be brown. the shit colour. we were all sitting in the america's next top model pose. then, suddenly, mrlim ponked in, and announced that we are going to get it from him tomorrow as we dad badly for sa1, without mid-years.


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